Who are Employee Duetists?
Employee Duetists from the retail and consumer goods industries share their anonymous thoughts with Paul Drury every day.
After a retail career with B&Q and Kingfisher, Paul moved across to retail recruitment and was then an HR ghostwriter for more than a decade.
He is perfectly placed to listen and offer asynchronous support.
Employee Duetist Process:
1. Employee Duetists receive a group Duet Code from their employer – minimum cohort of 5 Duetists.
2. Employee Duetists create an anonymous Signal account with a Duet Handle – @Simba.71 (etc)
3. Employee Duetists send one daily journal entry Duet (with the Duet Code) to @Parzival.11.
4. Parzival.11 replies with daily journal prompts.
Anonymity assurance: As Employee Duetists join a cohort of 5+ and share the same Duet Code, Paul Drury does not know the identities behind individual Duet Handles.
Duet Codes are changed once a month. They are transferable at the employer’s discretion.
As well as employees, there are Executive Duetists, Outplacement Duetists, and Jobseeker Duetists.
Cost: £80/month per Employee Duetist (minimum 5 Duetists)
(25% discount for 10+ Duetists)